All for One Poland offers a full range of services needed for SAP HR implementation, development and maintenance – from pre-implementation analysis, through implementation, integration with other SAP and non-SAP systems, hosting and administration, up to application management (remote user support) and HR outsourcing (e.g. payroll calculation on SAP).
Key SAP HR functionalities:
- personnel administration (SAP HR-PA) – ongoing services for employees and associate employees: personnel data registration, printing of certificates, reporting, applications to ZUS (Social Insurance Institution)
- time management (SAP HR-TM) – support of both positive and negative time recording, defining and assigning of work time schedules, printing of job tickets, recording of time events (absences, attendances, substitutions, overtime, etc.), working time reporting
- payroll accounting (SAP HR-PY) – payroll services for employees and associate employees, regular and special payroll accounting, printing of certificates and pay slips, reporting, generating of accounting documents for the Social Security Institution and tax authorities, generating of electronic transfers, automated posting of accounting results
- organizational management (SAP HR-OM) – defining of an organizational structure including relationships between positions and a reporting structure, simulation of organizational changes, reporting
- business travel accounting (SAP HR / FI-TV, business trip management) – (central or distributed) recording of information on business trips, automatic settlement of travel expenses in the payroll, printing of reports, automated postings
- recruitment – recording of information about applicants, statistics, generation of applicant rankings, management of vacancies, automatic correspondence with applicants, applicant data transfer to an employee base, reporting
- training management – defining of training catalogs, participation booking, cost accounting, training appraisals, reporting, qualification management
- personnel cost planning – simulations of personnel costs based on hypothetical or actual data, simulations of remuneration changes, comparative reports
- compensation management – job valuation according to market data and internal analyses, budgeting, compensation adjustment according to set algorithms, reporting
- personnel development – qualification management, career path management, reporting
- employee appraisals – defining of appraisal systems, recording of appraisals and linking them with bonus systems, reporting
- manager’s desktop – providing managers with access to personnel and payroll functions, reporting of information about subordinates, cost planning and compensation management, working time analysis, etc.
- Employee Self Service (SAP ESS) , Manager Self Service (SAP MSS) – providing employees with access to HR information and functions (e.g. a review of selected files, a possibility of data editing)
- SAP Workflow for HR – automation of the personnel and payroll document flow process (e.g. approval of leave requests, approval of business trips, etc.)