SAP Security – antivirus in the SAP System | All for One Poland

SAP Security - antivirus in the SAP System


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As part of BCC DemoRoom we invite you to the webinar "SAP Security – antivirus in the SAP System".

With the expansion of the scope of malware activity, the requirements regarding antivirus applications are increasing. This results in a risk for the SAP system itself.

More than 50% of the security notes published by SAP concern vulnerabilities that may allow for logging into the system. Viruses attacking SAP can, for example, steal passwords entered by users, and other confidential information, block access to websites, damage the operating system or boot sectors. SAP systems are the basic and most critical systems for ensuring the business continuity in organizations, and like other applications, they require frequent patches in order to optimize processes. This in turn generates the need for granting permissions to the system to third parties and thus increases the risk of storing and spreading unwanted software in SAP systems.

Protection of SAP against malicious software is one of the most important tasks of the administrators responsible for the security of the company's system. The selected array of antivirus programs can be integrated with the SAP NetWeaver platform using the SAP NetWeaver Virus Scan Interface provided by the system manufacturer. The openness of SAP to interoperation with various scanning applications allows the level of security to be increased while maintaining full performance of the system.

Webinar agenda:

1. Introduction
2. Requirements and supported operating systems
3. SAP policy concerning the choice of anti-virus software
4. Security levels:

  • local protection
  • protection of the database
  • protection of SAP data

5. SAP NetWeaver Virus Scan Interface
6. The advantages of using antivirus software platform SAP NetWeaver

More on this in the article Integration of antivirus software with SAP.


The webinar will be held on 28 October at 1 PM CEST. We would also like to ask you to pass on our invitation to other people in your company who might be interested in this subject.


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